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What are the benefits of water treated by a purifier?

The human organism consists of an average of 60% of water, ranging from 80% in infants to 70% in adults and 50% in the elderly. The main vital organs of the human body consist of more than 70% of water (brain 75%, heart 75%, kidneys 83%, muscles 75%, blood 83%, liver 86%, lungs 86%). Water supports metabolic and digestive processes, enables the transport of nutrients, regulates energy balance, body temperature and water balance. It follows that water is a fundamental element for the well-being and health of every individual. In order to perform this function well, water must be light, i.e. it must have a low content of salts and solids; the purifier considerably limits the presence of mineral salts and solid parts in the water, making it very light. and therefore the most suitable and ideal for drinking, cooking and performing all its functions in the body.

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